Comments On This Image
Jesus Loves you THISSS much
I think trollface sings it
Not Funny, and in bad taste.
Hey Jesus, what's up? "Oh, you know. Just hanging out."
Super Hell.....HERE I COME!!!
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Hell of a way to spend Easter
I give this many fucks
Look! I can see my house from here!
will the real son of god please stand up?
Look at all the fucks I give
LOL he can't!
Fuck you, author!
The WORST time to get the need for a good nut scratch!
Why did the ladies love jesus? Cuz he was hung like this ^
Why is Nicholas Cage up there?
Hang in there, baby. Captcha: raise Lord
Is that Nick Cage
Maybe I wouldn't have to die if somebody'd get get a ladder and a pair of pliers!!!
Just waiting for someone to come along and give him a hug
He's also the "Y" im ymca :3
He's Rolling on the Cross Laughing
Not funny
I'd rather be fokin'....
Jesus Loves you THISSS much